Crowning Achievements is a 501c3 non-profit (EIN 26-4694812) serving men and women, over 16, in the St. Croix Valley of Minnesota and Wisconsin, who have special needs. We host fun events each month to foster confidence, independence, social skills, and friendships. In encouraging these aspects as well as involvement and education in areas we visit, we strive to create awareness and more opportunities to serve and work in these same communities.

Mission Statement

We want to give people with special needs the same opportunities and experiences as others who represent their communities. We strive to boost their confidence, independence, social skills, and friendships. In increasing public awareness of the abilities of those with special needs, our goal is to improve the opportunities for our participants to serve and work in these same communities.

Vision Statement

Our goal is to increase acceptance, awareness, and inclusion in the community for people who have special needs.
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Each month, Crowning Achievements hosts a special fun event for our participants, their families/caregivers and our volunteers. Events range from a trip to the zoo, a party, bowling, a visit to the museum or local fair, plays, parades, movies, and more. Some places we have visited are Fawn-Doe-Rosa, the St. Croix County Fair, The Gibbs Farm Museum, Como Zoo and so many other fun places!


We are a non-profit organization. 100% of all donations go directly to our charity. We have NO paid staff

Crowning Achievements © | 715.808.5067